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Attendance Office

Students are expected to be in all classes and to make daily attendance a top priority. Only through consistent attendance and class participation do students achieve the benefits of the educational program. Students and their parents/guardians are asked to consider the impact of participating in several activities that may require numerous school absences due to competition or major travel. The Iowa City Community School District Board of Education has outlined policies for the expressed purpose of encouraging regular attendance practices on the part of high school students. These guidelines are described below.

At West High School, a student may lose credit in a course if:

  1. Absent without school approval a third time from any class.
  2. Arrives unexcused late/tardy six times to the same class.

A student who loses credit will receive an “F” as a final trimester grade unless he/she receives approval to remain in the course on an audit basis.
Specific conditions must be met in order to remain in a course on an audit basis, please refer to Auditing Program, under Academics (page 14) for more information.


9th-10th Grade Attendance: (319) 688-1091

11th-12th Grade Attendance: (319) 688-1051


To Students: If you are feeling ill, please request a pass from your teacher to the Health Office.  If you fail to report to the Health Office before leaving due to illness, an Unexcused Absence (UA) will be added to your attendance record. 

To Parents: If your student must miss school to due to a scheduled appointment or event, please notify the attendance office at least 2 HOURS prior to the intended dismissal time.  Both attendance hotlines are available 24/7.  Please leave a message with your name as the person excusing the student, the spelling of the student first and last name, grade and reason for absence if no one is available to take your call.